This study investigated the nuanced dynamics of gender complementarity within the context of anchovy production, focusing on the coastal communities of North Sumatra. In recent years, increased awareness of gender dynamics has underscored their crucial role in socio-economic spheres, particularly within fisheries. Anchovies, both an integral economic driver and a significant nutritional resource, serve as a focal point for examining the complex interplay between gender roles, responsibilities, and contributions in the production process. This exploratory study was conducted using an ethnographic approach, this research deeply immersed itself in the daily lives of North Sumatra’s coastal communities. Through extended engagement, participant observation, and a multifaceted methodology involving firsthand experiences, systematic observations, and in-depth interviews, the study aimed to capture a comprehensive understanding of the sociocultural dynamics shaping gender complementarity in anchovies production. Findings revealed that the anchovy production process has established a productive work cycle, significantly contributing to the local economy, particularly for women, and positively influencing the overall economic conditions of the community.
Keywords: Gender Complementarity , Sustainable Fisheries, Domestic Economy, Anchovies Production, Tanjungbalai