Acknowledging the ongoing trend and increasing implementation of different forms of AI that simulate human behavior for various tasks in a human-like manner, the focus of the present research is set to determine the attitude of consumers towards interaction with AI from a more personal point of view, rather than from an operational perspective. The present research mainly focuses on differences between two age groups of respondents: aged over and under 30. In order to obtain insights about generations’ perceptions towards the interaction with AI, a primary data analysis has been conducted. The questionnaire contains 31 items and is set to test the following nine aspects regarding consumer-AI interactions: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivation, anthropomorphism, trust, anxiety, willingness to accept AI and objection to use AI. The results show that in the case of AI, there are only average significant differences between the studied age groups, the two groups being at the moment more alike than different in their perception towards AI. As AI advances at a rapid pace, practical implications consist in indicating relevant AI aspects to be studied for further human-AI interaction related research.