Despite intense efforts by the medical and pharmaceutical communities, Staphylococcus aureus continues to be a pervasive pathogen that causes a myriad of diseases and a high level of morbidity and mortality among infected patients. Thus, discovering or designing novel therapeutics able to kill both drug-resistant and drug-sensitive S. aureus remains a top priority. Bacteriolytic enzymes, mostly from phage, have shown great promise in preclinical studies, but little consideration has been given to cis-acting autolytic enzymes derived from the pathogen itself. Here, we use the S. aureus autolysin LytM as a proof-of-principal to demonstrate the antibacterial potential of endogenous peptidoglycan degrading enzymes. While native LytM is only marginally bactericidal, fusion of LytM to the lysostaphin cell wall binding domain enhances its anti-staphylococcal activity approximately 540-fold, placing it on par with many phage lysins currently in preclinical development. The potential to therapeutically co-opt a pathogen’s endogenous peptidoglycan recycling machinery opens the door to a previously untapped reservoir of antibacterial drug candidates.