Salivary gland (SG) hypofunction is a common post-radiotherapy complication. Besides the parenchymal damage after irradiation (IR), there are also effects on mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) which were shown to contribute to regeneration and repair of damaged tissues by differentiating into stromal cell types or releasing vesicles and soluble factors supporting the healing processes. However, there are no adequate reports about their roles during SG damage and regeneration so far. Using an irradiated SG mouse model, we performed certain immunostainings on tissue sections of submandibular glands at different time points after IR. Immunostaining for CD31 revealed that already one day after IR, vascular impairment was induced at the level of capillaries. In addition, the expression of CD44—a marker of acinar cells—diminished gradually after IR and, by 20 weeks, almost disappeared. In contrast, the number of CD34-positive cells significantly increased 4 weeks after IR and some of the CD34-positive cells were found to reside within the adventitia of arteries and veins. Laser confocal microscopic analyses revealed an accumulation of CD34-positive cells within the area of damaged capillaries where they were in close contact to the CD31-positive endothelial cells. At 4 weeks after IR, a fraction of the CD34-positive cells underwent differentiation into α-SMA-positive cells, which suggests that they may contribute to regeneration of smooth muscle cells and/or pericytes covering the small vessels from the outside. In conclusion, SG-resident CD34-positive cells represent a population of progenitors that could contribute to new vessel formation and/or remodeling of the pre-existing vessels after IR and thus, might be an important player during SG tissue healing.