We have shown that gelsolin is one of the most prevalent water-soluble proteins in the transparent cornea of zebrafish. There are also significant amounts of actin. In contrast to actin, gelsolin is barely detectable in other eye tissues (iris, lens, and remaining eye) of the zebrafish. Gelsolin cDNA hybridized intensely in Northern blots to RNA from the cornea but not from the lens, brain, or headless body. The deduced zebrafish gelsolin is ϳ60% identical to mammalian cytosolic gelsolin and has the characteristic six segmental repeats as well as the binding sites for actin, calcium, and phosphatidylinositides. In situ hybridization tests showed that gelsolin mRNA is concentrated in the zebrafish corneal epithelium. The zebrafish corneal epithelium stains very weakly with rhodamine-phalloidin, indicating little Factin in the cytoplasm. In contrast, the mouse corneal epithelium contains relatively little gelsolin and stains intensely with rhodamine-phalloidin, as does the zebrafish extraocular muscle. We propose, by analogy with the diverse crystallins of the eye lens and with the putative enzyme-crystallins (aldehyde dehydrogenase class 3 and other enzymes) of the mammalian cornea, that gelsolin and actin-gelsolin complexes act as watersoluble crystallins in the zebrafish cornea and contribute to its optical properties.Focused vision in the vertebrate eye depends upon light transmission through the transparent lens and cornea. The lens is an encapsulated tissue containing a layer of anterior, cuboidal epithelial cells and posterior, elongated fiber cells (1). By contrast, the transparent cornea has an anterior squamous epithelium comprising 5-7 cell layers overlying a relatively thick extracellular stroma containing ordered collagen fibers, proteoglycans, glycosaminoglycans, and keratocytes, and finally a posterior single layer of endothelial cells (2-5).The transparent and refractive properties of the eye lens depend upon the crystallins, which often differ among species in a taxon-specific fashion (6). The diverse crystallins comprise approximately 90% of the water-soluble proteins of the lens. Many lens crystallins are either closely related or identical to metabolic enzymes (the enzyme-crystallins) or stress proteins (small heat shock proteins) that are used outside of the lens for non-refractive purposes (7-9). The dual use of crystallins for metabolism and refraction has been called gene sharing (10).Because transparency of the cellular lens involves the intracellular crystallins (11-13), studies on corneal transparency have concentrated on the highly structured extracellular stroma (14, 15). However, corneal epithelial cells, like lens cells, contain unexpectedly high proportions of selected proteins (16 -19), raising the possibility that they may have structural roles related to transparency as do lens crystallins. Furthermore, these abundant intracellular corneal proteins are often enzymes, reminiscent of the enzyme-crystallins in the lens, suggesting that they are not serving strictly metabolic roles. ...