As global demand for bananas rises, the threat of banana bunchy top disease (BBTD), caused bybanana bunchy top virus(BBTV), poses a significant constraint to sustainable banana production. To circumvent this, it is critical to fast-track the development of BBTV-resistant banana cultivars. In a dataset of differentially expressed genes between BBTV-resistant and susceptible bananas, sixRLKgenes involved in plant defense against pathogens were exclusively upregulated in the BBTV-resistant wildMusa balbisianacompared to the BBTV-susceptibleMusa acuminatacv. ’Lakatan’. Here, two genic variants ofRLKs, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and simple sequence repeats (SSR), were identified in 10 banana accessions representing major genomic groupings. Nine gene-specific markers were developed using three marker systems: SSR, allele-specific PCR, and tetra primer amplification refractory mutation system PCR markers. Six of these were polymorphic and successfully discriminated 117Musagenotypes at the NPGRL-IPBex situgermplasm, with an average polymorphism information content of 0.36 for SNP markers and 0.49 for SSR marker, both of which are moderately informative. These markers facilitated the construction of a dendrogram using the Unweighted Neighbor-Joining (UNJ) method with 1000 bootstrap iterations, identifying four major clades:M. acuminataspp. and otherMusaspp. (I), wildM. balbisiana(BBw) and other accessions with high-proportion of B-genome (II & III), hybrid bananas (triploids and tetraploids) (IV), which revealed the genetic diversity and relationships amongMusaaccessions. Ultimately, this genomic resource will aid in positioning the Philippines as a key player in banana disease resistance breeding towards a food-secure banana industry.