Global nucleotide excision repair is greatly attenuated in terminally differentiated mammalian cells. We observed this phenomenon in human neurons and in macrophages, noting that the transcriptioncoupled repair pathway remains functional and that there is no significant reduction in levels of excision repair enzymes. We have discovered that ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 complements the repair deficiency in macrophage extracts, and although there is no reduction in the concentration of E1 upon differentiation, our results indicate a reduction in phosphorylation of E1. In preliminary studies, we have identified the basal transcription factor TFIIH as the potential target for ubiquitination. We suggest that this unusual type of regulation at the level of the E1 enzyme is likely to affect numerous cellular processes and may represent a strategy to coordinate multiple phenotypic changes upon differentiation by using E1 as a ''master switch.'' DNA repair ͉ TFIIH ͉ ubiquitination ͉ monocytes ͉ differentiated N ucleotide excision repair (NER) is the most versatile DNA repair system; it handles a wide variety of lesions, from UV-induced pyrimidine dimers to bulky chemical adducts, to intrastrand DNA cross-links and even bound protein fragments. The early steps in NER can be divided into two subpathways: global genomic repair (GGR) that recognizes and removes lesions throughout the genome, and transcription-coupled repair (TCR) that preferentially repairs the transcribed strand of active genes, most likely by using translocating RNA polymerase as a lesion sensor.The efficiency of NER is known to be affected by cellular differentiation (reviewed in ref. 1). In particular the GGR subpathway is greatly attenuated in human neurons, either primary (1) or derived from NT2 neuroteratoma cells (2), whereas TCR is still active in both cases. In the terminally differentiated cells, however, the nontranscribed strand in active genes is also efficiently repaired, a phenomenon that we have termed differentiation-associated repair (DAR) and which we have reasoned is required to maintain lesion-free templates for TCR.It seems likely that attenuation of NER at the global genome level, and its reliance on TCR and DAR to maintain the essential active genes, is common in terminally differentiated cells. Indeed, studies with other differentiated cell systems have yielded similar results. Among numerous examples, rat skeletal myocytes exhibited a decrease in repair synthesis in the course of differentiation (3, 4), whereas TCR was less affected (4). Mouse 3T3 cells displayed attenuated UV-induced repair synthesis after differentiation into adipocytes (5). The repair of UV-induced lesions was reduced in differentiated keratinocytes, compared with that in cells from the basal layers of human skin (6). Human neuroblastomas repaired benzo[a]pyrene diol-epoxide adducts less rapidly after differentiation (7), and differentiated mouse neuroblastomas exhibited similar deficiencies in the repair of UV-induced lesions (8).What is the mechanism by whic...