In this paper, a thermomechanical problem involving a viscoelastic Timoshenko beam is analyzed from a numerical point of view. The so-called thermodiffusion effects are also included in the model. The problem is written as a linear system composed of two second-order-in-time partial differential equations for the transverse displacement and the rotational movement, and two first-order-in-time partial differential equations for the temperature and the chemical potential. The corresponding variational formulation leads to a coupled system of first-order linear variational equations written in terms of the transverse velocity, the rotation speed, the temperature and the chemical potential. The existence and uniqueness of solutions, as well as the energy decay property, are stated. Then, we focus on the numerical approximation of this weak problem by using the implicit Euler scheme to discretize the time derivatives and the classical finite element method to approximate the spatial variable. A discrete stability property and some a priori error estimates are shown, from which we can conclude the linear convergence of the approximations under suitable additional regularity conditions. Finally, some numerical simulations are performed to demonstrate the accuracy of the scheme, the behavior of the discrete energy decay and the dependence of the solution with respect to some parameters.