We experimentally show that two-photon path-entangled states can be coherently manipulated by multi-mode interference in multi-mode waveguides. By measuring the output two-photon spatial correlation function versus the phase of the input state, we show that multi-mode waveguides perform as nearly-ideal multi-port beam splitters at the quantum level, creating a large variety of entangled and separable multi-path two-photon states.PACS numbers: 42.50. Dv, 03.67.Bg, 42.79.Gn Quantum states of photons distributed between several optical paths play the central role in linear optical quantum computation [1]. In particular, entangled states, where no decomposition into a product of either single-path or single-photon states exists, are of great importance due to their non-local nature [2,3]. Entangled photons states are generated either by non-linear processes in crystals [4], by cascaded emission of single quantum emitters [5], or by quantum interference of nonclassical light on a beam splitter [6,7].Quantum interference in arrays of beam-splitters (BSs) is used in many linear optical quantum computation schemes to create and manipulate multi-photon multipath states [8][9][10]. The simplest example is the HongOu-Mandel (HOM) interference [11]. In this fundamental effect, two identical photons input each on a different port of a 50:50 BS, cannot exit in two different ports due to destructive interference of the two possible paths. Therefore, they always exit bunched together on either one of the output ports, in an entangled state. A major obstacle on the way to the implementation of quantum optical circuits is the large number of BSs required, and the increasing complication of their alignment. One way to overcome this problem is through miniaturization of the optical circuites. Indeed, quantum interference has been recently demonstrated in integrated optical circuites composed of evanescently coupled singlemode waveguides embedded in solids [12][13][14]. A conceptually different route towards robust implementation of quantum optical circuites may come in the form of multi-mode interference (MMI) devices [15]. These compact replacements for BS arrays, usually based on planar multi-mode waveguides (MMWs), are already used extensively in modern classical optical communication networks. They have also been proposed to be useful for creation and detection of multi-photon states [10], as they naturally implement Bell multiport BSs [8]. A step towards their use in quantum networks was recently made with the demonstration of HOM interference of two separated photons in an MMW [16]. The question still remains, however, whether entangled states, which unlike separated photons, carry relative phase information, can be coherently manipulated by MMWs.Here we experimentally show that the answer to this question is positive. We utilize MMI in a two-mirror, tunable planar MMW [17] to implement multi-port BS arrays of up to 5 input and 5 output ports, and explore the propagation of non-classical, path-entangled two-photon states t...