Abstract. We describe the structure of all continuous Jordan triple endomorphisms of the set P 2 of all positive definite 2 × 2 matrices thus completing a recent result of ours. We also mention an application concerning sorts of surjective generalized isometries on P 2 and, as second application, we complete another former result of ours on the structure of sequential endomorphisms of finite dimensional effect algebras.Recently, we have been very interested in the structure of so-called Jordan triple endomorphisms of the set of all positive definite matrices or, more generally, those of the positive definite cones in operator algebras. These are maps which are morphisms with respect to the operation of the Jordan triple product (A, B) → ABA which is a well-known operation in ring theory. Our main reason for investigating those maps comes from the fact that they naturally appear in the study of surjective isometries and surjective maps preserving generalized distance measures between positive definite cones. For details see [9,10,11].In the paper [9] we have proved the following statement which appeared as Theorem 1 there. In what follows we denote by M n the algebra of all n × n complex matrices and P n stands for the cone of all positive definite matrices in M n . When we use the word "continuity" we mean the topology of the operator norm, in other word, spectral norm (or any other norm on the finite dimensional linear space M n ). The usual trace functional and the determinant are denoted by Tr and Det , respectively, and tr stands for the transpose operation.Theorem. Assume n ≥ 3. Let φ : P n → P n be a continuous map which is a Jordan triple endomorphism, i.e., φ is a continuous map which satisfiesThen there exist a unitary matrix U ∈ M n , a real number c, a set {P 1 , . . . , P n } of mutually orthogonal rank-one projections in M n , and a set {c 1 , . . . , c n } of real numbers such that φ is of one of the following forms:a3) φ(A) = (Det A) c UA tr U * , A ∈ P n ; (a4) φ(A) = (Det A) c UA tr −1 U * , A ∈ P n ;2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 15B48. Secondary: 47B49, 15A86, 81Q10.