This paper deals with so‐called general linear stochastic processes (GLSP), defined by T. Kawata in 1972 in generalization of work of R. Lugannani and J. B. Thomas of 1967/71. These second order processes (which are not necessarily stationary nor have independent increments) are described by rather weak requirements, so that several processes such as some random noise and pulse train processes are specific models of these GLSP. Part I is concerned with two general theorems giving asymptotic expansions (including those for the density function) in the central limit theorem for such GLSP, together with error rates. The assumptions for the corresponding θ– and o–error estimates seem rather natural: in the former, apart from assumptions on the inherent structure of such GLSP, the existence of certain moments of higher order as well as a Cramer‐type condition are assumed, in the latter in addition a Lindeberg‐type condition of higher order. Fourier analytic machinery is used for the proofs.