Within the past decade it has been shown that psoriasis can be treated topically with analogs of vitamin-D3. Impaired differentiation and increased proliferation of keratinocytes are key features in psoriatic lesions together with a local activation of T lymphocytes. Evidence has accumulated showing that analogs of vitamin D3 increase differentiation and inhibit proliferation of keratinocytes. Therefore, analogs of vitamin D3 have been investigated in a number of trials showing improvement of psoriasis. It has been shown that vitamin D analogs are better than their vehicle and show the same potency as potent topical steroids. However, vitamin D analogs have been proven efficacious and without side effects also when used on long term basis. Vitamin D analogs can be used both as monotherapy and in combination topical steroids, UVB, PUVA, retinoids and cysclosporine. The vitamin D3 analog calcipotriol has been investigated in most detail and is available as an ointment, a creme and as a scalp solutation. From clinical studies involving thousands of patients, it can be concluded that calcipotriol is efficacious, safe, well tolerated and can be used on a long term basis. Other analogs are available, however, these analogs have not been studied in greater details yet.