Using field-theoretic techniques, we study the SU (3) analogue of anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg spin model on the triangular lattice putting the p-box symmetric representation on each site. Taking the large-p limit, we show that the low-energy effective theory is described by a (2 + 1)-dimensional relativistic SU (3)/U (1) 2 nonlinear sigma model. Since the target space has a nontrivial homotopy π2(SU (3)/U (1) 2 )Z 2 , this model has two kinds of magnetic skyrmions, which can be created and annihilated by monopole instantons. By careful analysis of the Wess-Zumino term in the spin coherent path integral, we compute the Berry phase for these monopoles and it produces the destructive interference. This restricts possible perturbations of the effective Lagrangian by monopole operators, and we see that the valence-bond-solid (VBS) phase should have degenerate ground states when p ∈ 3Z. We also compute 't Hooft anomalies to constrain possible phases of this system, and a direct phase transition between Néel and VBS phases is supported from the anomaly matching.