A counterexample is presented to show that the sufficient condition for one transformation dominating another by the second degree stochastic dominance, proposed by Theorem 5 of Levy (Stochastic dominance and expected utility: Survey and analysis, 1992), does not hold. Then, by restricting the monotone property of the dominating transformation, a revised exact sufficient condition for one transformation dominating another is given. Next, the stochastic dominance criteria, proposed by Meyer (Stochastic dominance and transformations of random variables, 1989) and developed by Levy (1992), are extended to the most general transformations. Moreover, such criteria are further generalized to transformations on discrete random variables. Finally, the authors employ this method to analyze the transformations resulting from holding a stock with the corresponding call option.
JEL C51 D81Keywords Stochastic dominance; transformation; utility theory; option strategy Authors Jianwei Gao, School of Economics and Management, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China Feng Zhao, School of Economics and Management, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China, Yundong Gu, School of Mathematics and Physics, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China Citation Jianwei Gao, Feng Zhao, and Yundong Gu (2018). Sufficient conditions of stochastic dominance for general transformations and its application in option strategy. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 12 (2018- Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal 12 (2018-1) www.economics-ejournal.org 2
IntroductionStochastic dominance (SD) has been proved to be a powerful tool for ranking random variables and is employed in various fields such as finance, decision analysis, economics and statistics etc. (see Levy, 1992Levy, , 2006Chakravarty and Zoli, 2012;Jouini et al., 2013;Tsetlin et al., 2015;Post et al., 2015 andPost, 2016; Gao and Zhao, 2017). The SD rules indicate when one random variable is to be ranked higher than another by specifying a condition which the difference between their cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) must satisfy. However, economic and financial activities usually induce transformations of an initial risk, and the classical SD rules are inefficient in ranking such transformations. Transformations of random variables have been discussed in the early stochastic dominance literature, especially in the risk analysis portion. For example, Sandmo (1971) has used a particular linear, risk altering, transformation in discussing the comparative statics of risk. Russell (1971, 1974) have dealt with special cases of the transformation question, emphasizing its use in dealing with portfolios of random variables. Cheng et al. (1987) have used the transformation approach to address the comparative statics of first degree stochastic dominance shifts in a random variable within a general decision model context. Meyer (1989) has proposed the first and second stochastic dominance (FSD and SSD) criteria...