Let Aut weakHopf (H) denote the set of all automorphisms of a weak Hopf algebra H with bijective antipode in the sense of Böhm et al. (J Algebra 221:385-438, 1999) and let G be a certain crossed product group Aut weakHopf (H) × Aut weakHopf (H). The main purpose of this paper is to provide further examples of braided T-categories in the sense of Turaev (1994, 2008). For this, we first introduce a class of new categories H WYD H (α, β) of weak (α, β)-Yetter-Drinfeld modules with α, β ∈ Aut weakHopf (H) and we show that the category WYD(H) = { H WYD H (α, β)} (α,β)∈G becomes a braided T-category over G, generalizing the main constructions by Panaite and Staic (Isr J Math 158:349-365, 2007). Finally, when H is finite-dimensional we construct a quasitriangular weak T-coalgebra W D(H) = {W D(H) (α,β) } (α,β)∈G in the sense of Van Daele and Wang (Comm Algebra, 2008) over a family of weak smash product algebras {H * cop #H (α,β) } (α,β)∈G , and we obtain that WYD(H) is isomorphic to the representation category of the quasitriangular weak T-coalgebra W D(H).