Following the lines of the recent papers [J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44, 495201 (2012); Eur. Phys. J. D 67, 179 (2013)], we construct here a new class of generalized coherent states related to the Landau levels, which can be used as the finite Fock subspaces for the representation of the su(2) Lie algebra. We establish the relationship between them and the deformed truncated coherent states. We have, also, shown that they satisfy the resolution of the identity property through a positive definite measures on the complex plane. Their nonclassical and quantum statistical properties such as quadrature squeezing, higher order 'su(2)' squeezing, anti-bunching and anti-correlation effects are studied in details. Particularly, the influence of the generalization on the nonclassical properties of two modes is clarified.continuous spectra-with no remark on the existence of a Lie algebra symmetry-Gazeau et al proposed new CSs, which were parametrized by two real parameters [9,10]. Moreover, there exist some considerations in connection with CSs corresponding to the shape invariance symmetries [11,12]. To construct CSs, four main different approaches the so-called Schrödinger, Klauder-Perelomov, Barut-Girardello, and Gazeau-Klauder methods have been found, so that the second and the third approaches rely directly on the Lie algebra symmetries and their corresponding generators. Here, it is necessary to emphasize that quantum coherence of states nowadays pervade many branches of physics such as quantum electrodynamics, solid-state physics, and nuclear and atomic physics, from both theoretical and experimental viewpoints.In addition to CSs, squeezed states (SSs) have attracted much attention during past decades. These are non-classical states of the electromagnetic field in which certain observables exhibit fluctuations less than the vacuum state [13]. These states are interesting because they can achieve lower quantum noise than the zero-point fluctuations of the vacuum or coherent states. Over the last four decades there have been several experimental demonstrations of nonclassical effects, such as the photon anti-bunching [14], sub-Poissonian statistics [15,16], and squeezing [17,18]. Also, considerable attention has been paid to the deformation of the harmonic oscillator algebra of creation and annihilation operators [19]. Some important physical concepts such as the CSs, the even-and odd-CSs for ordinary harmonic oscillator have been extended to deformation case. Moreover, there exist interesting quantum interference effects related to the quantum states that are namely superposition states, too [20,21]. Besides, superpositions of CSs can be prepared in the motion of a trapped ion [22,23]. With respect to the nonclassical effects, the coherent states turn out to define the limit between the classical and nonclassical behavior.Another type of generalization of CSs is the nonlinear coherent states (NLCSs), or f-CSs [24]. They are associated with nonlinear algebras and defined as the eigenstates of the annihilation operator ...