We use the dual functional realization of loop algebras to study the prime irreducible objects in the Hernandez-Leclerc category for the quantum affine algebra associated to sln+1. When the HL category is realized as a monoidal categorification of a cluster algebra [20,21], these representations correspond precisely to the cluster variables and the frozen variables are minimal affinizations. For any height function, we determine the classical decomposition of these representations with respect to the Hopf subalgebra Uq(sln+1) and describe the graded multiplicities of their graded limits in terms of lattice points of convex polytopes. Combined with [6] we obtain the graded decomposition of stable prime Demazure modules in level two integrable highest weight representations of the corresponding affine Lie algebra. D.K. was partially funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) -446246717.