Infinite-dimensional conformal symmetry in two dimensions leads to integrability of 2d conformal field theories by giving rise to an infinite tower of local conserved qKdV charges in involution. We discuss how presence of conserved charges constraints equilibration in 2d CFTs. We propose that in the thermodynamic limit large central charge 2d CFTs satisfy generalized eigenstate thermalization, with the values of qKdV charges forming a complete set of thermodynamically relevant quantities, which unambiguously determine expectation values of all local observables from the vacuum family. Equivalence of ensembles further provides that local properties of an eigenstate can be described by the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble that only includes qKdV charges. In the case of a general initial state, upon equilibration, emerging Generalized Gibbs Ensemble will necessary include negative chemical potentials and holographically will be described by a quasi-classical black hole with quantum soft hair.The topic of thermalization, and more generally, equilibration of isolated many-body quantum systems has been an active area of research during the past decade. In case of non-integrable systems, i.e. those without an extensive number of local conserved quantities, emergence of the thermal equilibrium has been traced to eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) which postulates thermal properties of individual energy eigenstates [1-3]. In the simplest form it requires the expectation value of some appropriate (often taken to be local) observable O in a many-body eigenstate |E i to be a smooth function of energy,(1)Qualitatively, eq.(1) postulates that energy is the only thermodynamically relevant quantity, which completely specifies local properties of an eigenstate. The condition (1) may apply to all or most eigenstates, in which case it is referred as strong or weak ETH. The eigenstate thermalization ensures equivalence between the expectation value in the eigen-ensemble, f O (E i ), and thermal expectation value of O in the Gibbs ensemble, f O (E i ) = Tr(e −βH O)/Z, where the effective temperature β is fixed through the energy balance relation, E i = Tr(e −βH O)/Z [4].When the system is integrable, with an extensive number of conserved charges Q i , ETH does not apply. Accordingly emerging equilibrium can be different from the Gibbs state. In this case the equilibrium can be described by the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble (GGE), a generalization of grand canonical ensemble that includes an infinite tower of conserved charges [5]. Validity of the GGE has been related to the generalized eigenstate thermalization [6][7][8], which generalizes (1) to include an infinite number of conserved quantities,( 2) Here |E i is a mutual eigenstate of the Hamiltonian and charges Q k , Q k (E i ) are the eigenvalues of Q k associated with |E i , and function f O is assumed to be a smooth function of all of its arguments. Similarly to (1), at the qualitative level, (2) postulates that charges Q k form a complete set of thermodynamically relevant quant...