We present B q → ρ, B q → ω, B q → K * , B s → K * and B s → φ form factors from light-cone sum rules (LCSR) at O(α s ) for twist-2 and 3 and O(α 0 s ) for twist-4 with updated hadronic input parameters. Three asymptotic light-cone distribution amplitudes of twist-4 (and 5) are determined, necessary for the form factors to obey the equations of motion. It is argued that the latter constrain the uncertainty of tensor-to-vector form factor ratios thereby improving the prediction of zeros of helicity amplitudes of major importance for B → K * angular observables. We provide easy-to-use fits to the LCSR results, including the full error correlation matrix, in all modes at low q 2 as well as combined fits to LCSR and lattice results covering the entire kinematic range for B q → K * , B s → K * and B s → φ. The error correlation matrix avoids the problem of overestimating the uncertainty in phenomenological applications. Using the new form factors and recent computations of non-factorisable contributions we provide Standard Model predictions for B → K * γ as well as B → K * + − and B s → φµ + µ − at low dilepton invariant mass. Employing our B → (ρ, ω) form factor results we extract the CKM element |V ub | from the semileptonic decays B → (ρ, ω) ν and find good agreement with other exclusive determinations.