Our current work is related to the study of vibrations induced by laser beams on the behalf of distinct theories of magneto-thermo-elastic diffusion problem in a semi-infinitely long, conducting isotropic elastic solid with cylindrical hole in a uniform magnetic field acting on the surface of the cylindrical hole of the solid in the direction of the axis of the cylindrical hole. The temporal scheme of laser beam is considered as non-Gaussian and is acted on the surface of the cylindrical hole. The problem is solved with the help of Laplace transform domain and finally illustrated graphically.
Note: This article will be very useful in material science specially, in powder metallurgy during sintering, hot pressing, wire and rods annealing are examined from a unified physical point of view, in different branches of engineering physics like plasma physics, nuclear physics, geophysics and related topics and also in oil industry (Lyashenko and Hryhorova (2014), Long and Heng-Wei (2018), Fryxell and Aitken (1969), Nowinski (1978), Legros et al. (1998), Galliero et al. (2019) etc.).