Sequences with a low correlation have very important applications in communications, cryptography, and compressed sensing. In the literature, many efforts have been made to construct good sequences with various lengths where binary sequences attracts great attention. As a result, various constructions of good binary sequences have been proposed. However, most of the known constructions made use of the multiplicative cyclic group structure of finite field F p n for a prime p and a positive integer n. In fact, all p n + 1 rational places including the place at infinity of the rational function field over F p n form a cyclic structure under an automorphism of order p n + 1. In this paper, we make use of this cyclic structure to provide an explicit construction of binary sequences with a low correlation of length p n +1 via cyclotomic function fields over F p n for any odd prime p. Each family of binary sequences has size p n − 2 and its correlation is upper bounded by 4 + ⌊2 • p n/2 ⌋. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first construction of binary sequences with a low correlation of length p n + 1 for odd prime p. Moreover, our sequences can be constructed explicitly and have competitive parameters.