We define twistorial topological strings by considering tt * geometry of the 4d N = 2 supersymmetric theories on the Nekrasov-Shatashvili 1 2 Ω background, which leads to quantization of the associated hyperKähler geometries. We show that in one limit it reduces to the refined topological string amplitude. In another limit it is a solution to a quantum Riemann-Hilbert problem involving quantum Kontsevich-Soibelman operators. In a further limit it encodes the hyperKähler integrable systems studied by GMN. In the context of AGT conjecture, this perspective leads to a twistorial extension of Toda. The 2d index of the 1 2 Ω theory leads to the recently introduced index for N = 2 theories in 4d. The twistorial topological string can alternatively be viewed, using the work of Nekrasov-Witten, as studying the vacuum geometry of 4d N = 2 supersymmetric theories on T 2 × I where I is an interval with specific boundary conditions at the two ends. arXiv:1412.4793v1 [hep-th] 15 Dec 2014 42 5.5 Abelian tt * geometries in (R 2 × S 1 ) r 43 5.5.1 Solving Abelian tt * equations in (R 2 × S 1 ) r 44 5.5.2 Constructing new Abelian tt * geometries from old ones 48 5.6 Example: the generalized Penner model 49 5.7 Example: the Double Penner model 50 6 Twistorial Topological Strings for the N = 2 SQED (conifold B-model) 52 6.1 The dictionary between tt * and GMN hyperKähler geometries 52 6.2 Twistorial Double Gamma Function 53 6.3 Relation with SQED amplitudes in 12 Ω-background 55 6.4 The higher-dimensional tt * geometry 56 6.5 SQED twistorial amplitudes and the 1 2 Ω-background W eff (a e , 1 ) 57 6.6 The θ-limit tt * geometry 58 6.7 θ-limit vs. the quantum KS wall crossing formula 597 Twistorial invariant aspects of the tt * geometry 60 7.1 C-limit: the 4d AMNP index vs. the CFIV index 61 7.1.1 4d interpretation of Q C 62 7.1.2 Q C for N = 2 SQED 64 7.2 Twistorial Liouville amplitudes 65 7.2.1 The tt * metric: the twistorial Υ-function 678 The C-limit 68 8.1 The C-limit amplitude in SQED 69 8.2 Review on the X γ 70 8.3 Prequantization and Ψ 72 8.4 Comparing Ψ with ψ C 74 8.5 Ψ as a generating function 75 8.6 Deriving the generating function 76 9 Concluding Remarks 78 A On the R → 0 limit of the connection 79 B Solving the q-TBA equation for Argyres-Douglas models 82 C β-deformed Quiver Matrix LG Models (exact twistorial ADE Toda amplitudes) 85 C.1 The models 86 C.2 The Gaudin model, the Mukhin-Varchenko conjectures, and tt * 87 -1 -C.3 Explicit tt * amplitudes for the A r quiver matrix LG models 91