Network-coded cooperation (NCC) has recently gained interest as it improves the network throughput in multisource cooperative systems. NCC has been studied for singleantenna terminals only. Employing multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) techniques can significantly improve the performance of NCC systems. Furthermore, the existing relay selection (RS) strategies for NCC utilize the "max-min" end-toend (E2E) criterion. This selection strategy (called Strategy A) is complicated even for a network with single-antenna terminals as it requires global channel state information (CSI). This requirement makes it hard to implement RS-based NCC. To counter this issue, we introduce a new RS strategy (Strategy B), which utilizes only the local CSI (not global CSI), reducing the signaling overhead significantly without sacrificing the performance. The performance of MIMO-NCC under Strategy A and B is studied over independent and non-identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) Rayleigh fading channels. Relays and the destination are equipped with multiple antennas, whereas sources have single antenna. The exact outage probability expressions of the system under consideration are derived. The asymptotic outage expressions are further provided to obtain valuable insights into the practical system-design parameters such as the diversity order and coding gain. Furthermore, numerical results are provided in support of the analytical results.