“…Alpert-Kahle-MacPherson proved that the rank of H k conf(n, w) grows polynomially times exponentially in n [AKM21]; as a result, the ordered configuration space of open unit-diameter disks in the infinite strip of width w is not first-order representation stable in the sense of Church-Ellenberg-Farb, Miller-Wilson. However, in the case w = 2 Alpert proved that the ordered configuration space of n open unit-diameter disks in the infinite strip of width 2 exhibits a reasonable notion of first-order representation stability, as, for all k, the homology groups H k conf(•, 2) have the structure of a finitely generated FI k+1 -module, generated in degree at most 3k, where FI k+1 is a generalization of FI# [Alp20]. One can use Alpert's results to decompose H k conf(n, 2); Q into a direct sum of irreducible S n -representations as was done in [Waw22a].…”