A model designed to mimic the implications of the collective optical response of molecular ensembles in optical cavities on molecular vibronic dynamics is investigated. Strong molecule-radiation field coupling is often reached when a large number N of molecules respond collectively to the radiation field. In electronic strong coupling, molecular nuclear dynamics following polariton excitation reflects (a) the timescale separation between the fast electronic and photonic dynamics and the slow nuclear motion on one hand, and (b) the interplay between the collective nature of the molecule-field coupling and the local nature of the molecules nuclear response on the other. The first implies that the electronic excitation takes place, in the spirit of the Born approximation, at an approximately fixed nuclear configuration. The second can be rephrased as the intriguing question, can the collective nature of the optical excitation lead to collective nuclear motion following polariton formation, resulting in so-called polaron decoupled dynamics. We address this issue by studying the dynamical properties of a simplified Holstein-Tavis-Cummings type model, in which boson modes representing molecular vibrations are replaced by two-level