In this paper we introduce Hausdorff locally convex algebra topologies on subalgebras of the whole algebra of nonlinear generalized functions. These topologies are strong duals of Fréchet-Schwartz space topologies and even strong duals of nuclear Fréchet space topologies. In particular any bounded set is relatively compact and one benefits from all deep properties of nuclearity. These algebras of generalized functions contain most of the classical irregular functions and distributions. They are obtained by replacing the mathematical tool of C ∞ functions in the original version of nonlinear generalized functions by the far more evolved tool of holomorphic functions. This paper continues the nonlinear theory of generalized functions in which such locally convex topological properties were strongly lacking up to now.Key words: Functional analysis, nonlinear generalized functions, sharp topology, differential calculus of nonlinear generalized functions, nonlinear operations on distributions, locally convex topological algebras, compact maps, Schwartz locally convex spaces, nuclear maps, nuclear spaces, .AMS classification: 46F30, 46F10. (+) the work of this author was done under financial support of FAPESP, 1 processo 2011/12532-1, and thanks to the hospitality of the IME-USP. (+) corresponding author 1. Introduction. We denote by G(Ω) the special (or simplified) algebra of nonlinear generalized functions on Ω. We construct subalgebras of G(Ω) that enjoy Hausdorff locally convex topologies suitable for the development of a functional analysis: they have very good topological properties in particular concerning compactness (strong duals of Fréchet-Schwartz spaces) at the same time as they are compatible both with partial derivatives and nonlinearity. These properties even extend to nuclearity. Nuclear spaces [38,40,45] are an extension of finite dimensional spaces in which finite sums are replaced by convergent series in a natural topology: a difference with Hilbert spaces lies in that in the nuclear (DFN) algebras the bounded sets are relatively compact (even much more: they resemble to some extent the finite dimensional bounded sets) at the price of the use of nonmetrizable topologies which are topological inductive limits of a sequence of separable Hilbert spaces linked by nuclear inclusion maps.