Abstract-In this paper, a novel low-complexity and spectrally efficient modulation scheme for visible light communication (VLC) is proposed. Our new spatial quadrature modulation (SQM) is designed to efficiently adapt traditional complex modulation schemes to VLC; i.e. converting multi-level quadrature amplitude modulation (M -QAM), to real-unipolar symbols, making it suitable for transmission over light intensity. The proposed SQM relies on the spatial domain to convey the orthogonality and polarity of the complex signals, rather than mapping bits to symbol as in existing spatial modulation (SM) schemes. The detailed symbol error analysis of SQM is derived and the derivation is validated with link level simulation results. Using simulation and derived results, we also provide a performance comparison between the proposed SQM and SM. Simulation results demonstrate that SQM could achieve a better symbol error rate (SER) and/or data rate performance compared to the state of the art in SM; for instance a E b /No gain of at least 5 dB at a SER of 10 −4 .