[a] 1IntroductionCharacterizationo fe nergy transport processes in molecular materials usinga ll-atom molecular dynamics( MD) simulations provides anecessaryand physical basis for the prediction and understanding of experimentally undetermined properties [1][2][3][4][5][6][7],m any of whicha re needed for the parameterization of the kinds of continuum-based mesoscale engineeringm odels widely used to simulate energetic materials [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15]. Accurate predictionsf or anisotropic bulk material properties such as the thermal conductivity and rate coefficientsf or energyt ransfer processes are necessary if parameterized models are to yield reliable predictions for dynamic processes such as shock loading [9][10][11][12][14][15][16][17][18],h ot spot formation and relaxation [9-12, 14, 15, 19],a nd initiation of chemistry [11,14,19].R ecentM D-based predictions for the thermal conductivity of the insensitivem olecular crystalline explosive 1,3,5-triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene (TATB) revealed significanta nisotropy for energy transport at T = 300 Ka nd P = 0.0 GPa [6,7].( Here and for all subsequent instances, pressures reported as 0.0 GPa formally correspond to 1atm, which is 0.0 GPa within the precision of our calculations.) Many other thermomechanical properties of TATB crystala lso exhibit significant anisotropy [20][21][22][23][24][25][26]. Anisotropy in TATB crystal physical properties is thought to be ac onsequence of the crystal packings tructure, which is triclinic and exhibits al ayered structure, wherein nearly planar TATB molecules form planar single-molecule-thick Abstract:T he anisotropic thermal conductivity of the layered molecular crystal 1,3,5-triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene (TATB), an insensitive secondary high explosive, is determined using classicalm olecular dynamics on the P = 0.0 GPa isobar for temperatures 200 K T 700 Ka nd on the T = 300 Ki sotherm for pressures0 .0 GPa P 2.5 GPa. Sensitivity of the predicted( 300 K, 0.0 GPa) conductivity to intramolecular terms in the forcef ield is investigated.T wo conduction directions are considered, one nominally within and the other exactlyp erpendicular to the stackedp lanar single-molecule-thick layers comprising the TATB crystal. The thermal conductivity l(T,P)a long both directionsi s foundt od ecrease approximately as l / 1/T with increasing temperature and increase approximately linearly l / T with increasingp ressure. The temperature dependence is found to be highly anisotropic with nearly twice as large ar eduction in absolutec onductivity within the molecularl ayers (Dl = À0.67 Wm À1 K
À1)c ompared to betweent hem (Dl = À0.35 Wm À1 K
À1). Anisotropy in the conductivity is predicted to decrease with increasing temperature;t he P = 0.0 GPa conductivity is 68 %g reater within the layers than betweent hem at 200 K, but only 49 %g reater at 700 K. The pressure dependence is also anisotropic, with a5 1% and 76 %i ncrease in conductivity within and between the layers, respectively.P redictedv alues for the conductivity are found t...