This paper aims to explore the metallic structure J2=pJ+qI, where p and q are natural numbers, using complete and horizontal lifts on the tangent bundle TM over almost quadratic ϕ-structures (briefly, (ϕ,ξ,η)). Tensor fields F˜ and F* are defined on TM, and it is shown that they are metallic structures over (ϕ,ξ,η). Next, the fundamental 2-form Ω and its derivative dΩ, with the help of complete lift on TM over (ϕ,ξ,η), are evaluated. Furthermore, the integrability conditions and expressions of the Lie derivative of metallic structures F˜ and F* are determined using complete and horizontal lifts on TM over (ϕ,ξ,η), respectively. Finally, we prove the existence of almost quadratic ϕ-structures on TM with non-trivial examples.