Simulation models are frequently used to model, simulate and test complex systems (e.g., Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs)). To allow full test automation, test cases and test oracles are required. Safety standards (e.g., the ISO 26262) highly recommend that the test cases of systems like CPSs are associated to requirements. As a result, typically, test cases that need to cover specific requirements are manually generated in the context of simulation models. This is, of course, a time-consuming and non-systematic process. However, the current practice lacks tools that generate test cases by considering functional requirements for simulation-based testing. In this short paper we propose a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for specifying requirements for simulation-based testing in an easy manner. These files are later parsed by an automatic test generation algorithm, which generates test cases that follow the ASAM-XiL standard. The tool was integrated with two professional tools: (1) SYNECT from dSPACE and (2) xMOD from FEV. An initial validation was also performed with an industrial simulation model from YASA motors.