SUMMARYComputer aided design (CAD) models often need to be processed due to the data translation issues and requirements of the downstream applications like computational ÿeld simulation, rapid prototyping, computer graphics, computational manufacturing, and real-time rendering before they can be used. Automatic CAD model processing tools can signiÿcantly reduce the amount of time and cost associated with the manual processing. The topology generation algorithm, commonly known as CAD repairing=healing, is presented to detect commonly found geometrical and topological issues like cracks, gaps, overlaps, intersections, T-connections, and no=invalid topology in the model, process them and build correct topological information. The present algorithm is based on the iterative vertex pair contraction and expansion operations called stitching and ÿlling, respectively, to process the model accurately. Moreover, the topology generation algorithm can process manifold as well as non-manifold models, which makes the procedure more general and exible. In addition, a spatial data structure is used for searching and neighbour ÿnding to process large models e ciently. In this way, the combination of generality, accuracy, and e ciency of this algorithm seems to be a signiÿcant improvement over existing techniques. Results are presented showing the e ectiveness of the algorithm to process two-and three-dimensional conÿgurations.