Potassium niobate is employed in an external resonator to generate single-frequency tunable radiation near 430 nm. For excitation with 1.35 W of power from a cw titanium-sapphire laser, 0.65 W of blue light is produced. A simple model has been developed to account for thermal lensing in the nonlinear crystal.Owing to the large second-order susceptibility of potassium niobate (KNbO 3 ), nonlinear mixing in KNbO 3 has been found to be an attractive source of blue light.'-7 For example, a cw power of 40 mW at 429 nm has been achieved by frequency doubling of a semiconductor diode laser, 6 while 150 mW of power at 467 nm has been generated by nonlinear mixing of diode and Nd:YAG lasers in KNbO 3 . 7 Although much of the research in this area has employed external buildup cavities to enhance the conversion efficiency, the absolute blue power has been limited by the available pump power. In this regard, the titanium-sapphire (Ti:A1 2 0 3 ) laser is a suitable source since single-frequency output power in excess of 2 W is readily achieved. Indeed, the Ti:A1 2 0 3 laser has recently been used for external-cavity doubling with LiIO 3 to produce 40 mW of broadly tunable blue output light for 600 mW of infrared input. 8 For doubling schemes with KNbO 3 within the Ti:A1 2 0 3 laser cavity, 100-150 mW of blue light power-near 430 nm has been obtained in unpublished experiments in our laboratory and elsewhere. 3 Motivated by these developments as well as by a variety of possible applications in optical physics, we have undertaken an investigation of frequency doubling with KNbO 3 in an external buildup cavity driven by the light from a cw Ti:A1 2 0 3 laser. We have made measurements of conversion efficiency over a range of operating conditions and have compared these results in absolute terms with those of a simple theoretical model. In a cw mode of operation, 0.65 W of blue light near 430 nm has been generated for 1.35 W of fundamental input. Because thermal lensing significantly affects the conversion efficiency and cavity servo performance at these power levels, we have also employed a transient mode of operation with the cavity length swept through resonance to obtain peak power of 1.0 W of blue light for 2.0 W of infrared excitation.For our experiment, a single-frequency Ti:A1 2 0 3 laser capable of producing as much as 2 W of output near 840-870 nm and with a linewidth of 50 kHz rms was mode matched into a ring doubling cavity resonant with the fundamental input (Fig. 1). The doubling cavity consisted of four flat mirrors and two lenses (f 35 mm) together with a normal-cut KNbO 3 crystal of length 6 mm (Ref. 9); the crystal as well as lens surfaces were antireflection coated 0146-9592/91/181400-03$5.00/0 for low loss at both 860 and 430 nm. In spite of the quality of coatings (0.15%o/surface), passive losses from the lenses reduced the cavity buildup relative to astigmatically compensated cavities with curved mirrors. However, the setup shown in Fig. 1 facili-tates the exploration of a range of focusing geometries, whic...