The amyloid precursor protein (APP) has been suggested to regulate gene expression. GeneChip s analysis and in vitro kinase assays revealed potent APP-dependent repression of c-Jun, its target gene SPARC and reduced basal c-Jun Nterminal kinase (JNK) activity in PC12 cells overexpressing APP. UV-induced activation of the JNK signalling pathway and subsequent apoptosis were likewise reduced by APP and this effect could be mimicked by the indirect JNK inhibitor CEP-11004. Treatment with a c-secretase inhibitor did not affect APP-mediated downmodulation of the JNK signalling pathway, suggesting that the effects might be mediated via asecretase processing of APP. In support of these data, overexpression of the Swedish mutant of APP did not inhibit SPARC expression, UV-induced JNK activation and cell death. Our data suggest an important physiological role of APP and a-secretase activity in the control of JNK/c-Jun signalling, target gene expression and cell death activation in response to cytotoxic stress.