In the case of the Colymbetes species, neither the function of the prothoracic glands nor the nature and action of their chemical products has been fully explained, and this is also true of the pygidial glands of the whirligig beetles.Colymbetes fuscus leads a n amphibious existence. It requires no special protection in or on the water against predaceous fish and frogs, since it is nimble and readily takes to the air. On land, however, it finds great difficulty in moving around, and could easily be attacked by small mammals. It is therefore not surprising that the substances in its prothoracic glands are very toxic to rats. One fraction obtained on fractionation of the crude secretion on Sephadex caused a decrease of up to 30 % in blood pressure [451. A relationship can [45] H. Tucheci, Dissertation, Universitat Heidelberg, scheduled for 1970. We thank Prof. Bieckert, Dr. Steiole, and Dr. Zimmerrnann, Ludwigshafen. for their assistance in the physiological seen here with the toxic action of the principal component of the toxin from the prothoracic defense glands of Ilybius fenestratus, which causes clonic spasms in miceL461. The toxic substance is methyl 8hydroxyquinoline-2-carboxylate (14).