In our preceding serial works, we have investigated the generation of higherorder atomic dipole squeezing (HOADS) in a high-Q micromaser cavity, discussing the effects of dynamic Stark shift, atomic damping, atomic coherence and nonlinear one-photon processes and different initial states (for example, correlated and uncorrelated states, superposition states, squeezed vacuum).In this paper, we continue to study HOADS in a high-Q micromaser cavity, but consider that the atom interacts with the optical field via a multi-photon transition process and that the initial atom is arbitrarily prepared. For a vacuum initial field, we demonstrate that HOADS cannot occur if the atom is initially prepared in a chaotic state and that a coherent atomic state generates less efficient and stable HOADS than an arbitrary one. It is found that large detuning may lead to enhanced and strong HOADS. PACS (numbers): 42.50. Dv, 42.50.Lc,