Efficient control of the static and dynamic properties of magnetic textures at the nanoscale is one of the key elements towards energy-efficient spintronics. The control of magnetic textures such as domain walls and skyrmions can be achieved using several methods, including magnetic field, spin-polarized current, and laser pulses. These approaches opened up new avenues towards exploring spintronicsbased applications such as racetrack memories, logic gates, artificial neuron synapses, and sensors. However, the growing need to minimize the energy consumption of computational and data storage devices imposes the to find new alternatives to control magnetic systems. One of the promising alternatives that has emerged in the last few years is the use of electric fields. It has been shown that in artificial multiferroics, electric field-induced strain can be used to achieve efficient control over magnetic systems via magnetoelastic coupling. This method showed great potential due to its low energy dissipation rates. Despite these achievements, the strain effects on magnetic systems are still a topic of fundamental research. The aim of this thesis is to explore new ways to use strain to control the statics and dynamics of magnetization in ferromagnetic systems by means of micromagnetic simulations as well as analytical models.First, using electro-mechanical and micromagnetic simulations, we propose a new method to control the current-driven skyrmion motion. We show that in a piezoelectric/magnetic device, a transverse strain gradient can be created due to the non-uniform electric field profile in the piezoelectric layer. Such a strain gradient will be transferred to the magnetic system, inducing a force on the skyrmions that can be used to control their dynamics. In particular, we demonstrate that such a force tunes the skyrmion Hall effect in both ideal and disordered films.Big thanks to Alberto and Vicente for keeping us energized with their awesome coffee shots and tasty pinchos.A huge thank you to my mom and dad! They have been there for me through every step of my academic journey. I couldn't have made it this far without their support and encouragement. Grateful for everything they have done! Lastly, I want to thank my wife for her endless love, support, and encouragement.