The absorbance of NO (5–90 ppm) and NO2 (0.5–4 ppm) by a number of absorbers and filters was assessed via bench testing. All absorbers (Sodasorb, Purafil CP, Purafil Select, Sofnolime, Sofnofil and 50/50 mix of Sofnolime/Sofnofil) except Sodasorb absorbed NO almost completely. Only Sofnolime absorbed NO2 completely while Sodasorb and the Sofnolime/Sofnofil 50/50 mix had absorbances between 47% and 90%. The absorbance of four filters (ILF100, ILF150, ILF200 and HgCONO) as well as Sofnolime and the Sofnolime/Sofnofil 50/50 mix was tested in the expiratory port of a Servo 900C ventilator. All absorbers and filters produced a change in ventilator pressures. The HgCONO filter, Sofnolime and the Sofnolime/Sofnofil 50/50 mix all absorbed NO. At 80 ppm NO, the HgCONO filter had 100% absorbance for four hours while Sofnolime's absorbance was significantly reduced after one hour. All filters and absorbers tested on the ventilator except the Sofnolime/Sofnofil 50/50 mix and the ILF150 filter absorbed NO2 completely for a period ranging from 90 minutes to four hours. We recommend the HgCONO filter and Sofnolime to absorb both NO and NO2. If absorption of NO2 only is required we recommend the HgCONO, ILF100 or ILF200 filters or the Sofnolime absorber.