We study the masses and production modes of pentaquark with the quark constituent cqqqq, by the tridiquark-diquark model and systematical light flavor quark symmetry SU(3) analysis. The mass splittings show that the S-wave singly charm pentaquark cūdds, c dusu, csudu, and csudd are below their strong decay thresholds, while cūdss, c duss with parity 1 2 − are near their strong decay thresholds, which imply the possibility of stable states. Furthermore, we discuss the production of the concerned 15 states from B meson, the analysis within SU(3) symmetry yields the golden channels of production process,which expected to be work worthily in b-factory. I. INTRODUCTION Recently, there is a renewed interest in the study of pentaquark with heavy quark constituents, especially, the LHCb observation in 2015 of hidden charm pentaquark P c states, P c (4380), P c (4312), P c (4440) and P c (4457), in the Λ 0 b → J/ΨpK − [1, 2], as well as P cs (4459) and P c (4337) in the Ξ − b → J/ΨΛK − and B s → J/Ψpp respectively [3, 4], which have triggered many theoretical studies [5-19]. The existence of pentaquark are proposed by Gell-Mann and Zweig at the birth of quark model in 1964 [20, 21]. But until now, only a couple of hidden charm pentaquark come to light. The open heavy flavor ones, for instance open charm tetraquark state T + cc [22] firstly observed by LHCb in the mass spectrum D 0 D 0 π + in 2021, therefore are expected similarly. Theoretically, the open flavor pentaquarks with charm quark and qqqq have been discussed by the constituent quark model in Ref. [23], rough mass estimates are evaluated in the end of paper. The Chromomagnetic Interaction(CMI) model provides more accurate results in Ref. [24]. In addition, the QCD sum rules and chiral effective field theory offer additional methods to investigate the singly heavy pentaquark, individually the mass around 3.21 GeV [25-27] and 2.7 GeV [28, 29] for ground cuddū state.In the letter, we wound consider the charm pentaquark within the triquark-diquark model. The model is a suitable appropriate [30,31] to deal with the many quarks system, in this framework, the