We propose two schemes for generating the Knill-Lafamme-Milburn (KLM) states of two distant polar molecules (PMs) ensembles respectively in two transmission-line resonators (TLRs) connected by a superconducting charge qutrit (SCQ), and of two SCQs in a TLR, respectively. Both of the schemes are robust against photon decay due to the virtual excitations of the microwave photons of the TLRs, and the spontaneous emission can be suppressed owing to the virtual transitions of the SCQs in the second scheme. In addition, the schemes have high controllability and feasibility under the current available techniques. c 2017 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 230.5750, 270.5585
INTRODUCTIONQuantum entanglement, an interesting and attractive phenomenon in quantum mechanics, plays a significant role not only in testing quantum nonlocality, but also in processing a variety of quantum information tasks [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. Therefore, preparation of various quantum entangled states has been being an important subject in quantum information science since a few decades ago [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]. In 2001, Knill, Lafamme and Milburn proposed a specific class of partially entangled states [21], KLM states, and they derived that employing the KLM states as ancillary resources can improve the success probability of teleportation gradually upto unity with the increase of the particle number in these 1 ancillary states, and thereafter, Mod lawska and Grudka showed that multiple adaptive teleportation in the KLM scheme can also increase the probability of faithful teleportation [22], which can elevate the efficiency of quantum computing significantly. In the past dozen years, the investigation of the KLM states preparation has attracted a great deal of attention [23][24][25][26][27]. The first explicit scheme to prepare the KLM states was proposed by Franson et al. in 2004 by using elementary linear optics gates and solid-state approach, respectively [23]. In 2008, Lemr et al. proposed a scheme to prepare the two-photon four-mode KLM states using linear optical elements [24]. Soon afterwards, preparing high fidelity two-photon KLM states experimentally was implemented using spontaneous parametric down-conversion photon source and linear optical components in 2010 [25]. In 2011, Lemr proposed a scheme to prepare KLM states by using a tunable controlled phase gate and optimized the scheme for the framework of liner optics [26]. In 2012, Cheng et al. proposed two schemes to prepare the twoatom KLM states with a strong coupling cavity-fiber system and the cavity-assisted single-photon input-output process, respectively [27].Although it has been verified that photonic qubits and atomic qubits can be used to realize the KLM-type quantum computation [28], single-photon detectors needed for photon KLM computation are inefficient due to photon losses or dark counts, while the manipulation of the atom is still a severe challenge in the state of the art though great progress has been made in recent decades. So it is...