Abstract. We investigate the RPA normal-mode coordinates in the pairingplus-quadrupole model, with an eye on simplifying the application of large amplitude collective motion techniques. At the Hartree-Bogoliubov minimum, the RPA modes are exactly the cranking operators of the collective coordinate approach. We examine the possibility of representing the self-consistent cranking operator by linear combinations of a limited number of one-body operators. We study the Sm nuclei as an example, and find that such representations exist in terms of operators that are state-dependent in a characteristic manner. The selection of proper collective variables is an important problem in the study of large amplitude collective motion. In the usual Constrained Hartree-Fock (CHF) or Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (CHFB) calculations, the collective subspaces are generated by a small number of one-body constraint (also called cranking) operators which are most commonly taken to be of the multipole form (r L Y LK ). In realistic calculations of processes such as fission, the number of coordinates to describe the full nuclear dynamics can easily become larger than can be dealt with in satisfactory manner, and a method to determine the optimal combination needs to be devised. Even assuming that such a method exists, there is no a priori reason to limit oneself to multipole operators, and the cranking operators should be determined by the nuclear collective dynamics itself, from the set of all one-body operators. This is clearly a difficult task, and one would like to be able to select a small group of operators, and find the optimal combination of these operators at each point of the collective surface.In our past work, we have investigated a theory of adiabatic large amplitude collective motion as a method to generate self-consistent collective subspaces (see reference [1] and references therein). The key ingredient of the method is the selfconsistent determination of the constraint operator, and as such it may provide an answer to the selection question discussed above. Using the local harmonic version (LHA) of the theory [1], we have recently embarked on a study of the properties of large amplitude collective motion in systems with pairing. We have dealt with two simple models: a semi-microscopic model of nucleons interacting through a pairing force, coupled to a single harmonic variable [2] and a fully microscopic O(4) model which may § Electronic address: T.Nakatsukasa@umist.ac.ukElectronic address: Niels.Walet@umist.ac.uk ¶ Electronic address: Giu.Dodang@th.u-psud.fr