Transcoding of H.264/AVC bitstreams is frequently used for adapting video streams to varying network conditions or different end-user device characteristics. Transcoding requires a relatively high complexity (and thus high operational cost) for each adaptation operation, and possibly reduces the video quality. In comparison, transcoding the input bitstream to SVC requires only one adaptation step. Afterwards, the resulting SVC bitstream can be adapted instantly. To reduce the H.264/AVC-to-SVC transcoding complexity, a transcoding architecture which combines existing open-loop transcoding techniques with optimized closed-loop transcoding is proposed. Furthermore, this approach allows to scale the complexity of the system. Doing so, compared with a cascaded decoder-encoder only 8.48% of the complexity is required for the highest complexity, while a high rate-distortion efficiency is maintained and a high degree of scalability is guaranteed. When only limited resources are available, the transcoding complexity can be scaled such that over 99% of the complexity is reduced compared to a cascaded decoder-encoder 1 .