The regulatory properties of mouse pancreatic amylase genes include exclusive expression in the acinar cells of the pancreas and dependence on insulin and glucocorticoids for maximal expression. We have characterized a murine pancreatic amylase gene, Amy-2.2y, whose promoter sequence is 30% divergent from those of previously sequenced amylase genes. To localize sequences required for tissue-specific and hormone-dependent activation, we established two lines of transgenic mice. The first line contained a single copy of the complete Amy-2.2y gene as well as 9 kilobases of 5'-flanking sequence and 5 kilobases of 3'-flanking sequence. The second line carried a minigene which included 208 base pairs of 5'-flanking sequence and 300 base pairs of 3'-flanking sequence. In both lines the transgene was expressed at high levels exclusively in the pancreas. Both constructs were dependent on insulin and induced by dexamethasone. Thus, the transferred genes contained the sequences required for tissue-specific and hormonally regulated expression.Pancreatic amylase (Amy-2) genes are members of a multigene cluster which also includes the genes for salivary amylase (Amy-i). Although the coding regions of Amy-i and Amy-2 are 90% homologous (21), the promoters associated with each type of gene are dissimilar. Amy-i can be transcribed from two distinct promoters: a strong, parotidspecific promoter located 7 kilobases (kb) upstream of the first coding exon, and a weaker promoter active in liver (52). Each Amy-2 gene, in contrast, is associated with a single promoter adjacent to the structural gene.Amy-2 expression is restricted to the exocrine pancreas, where amylase accounts for 15 to 25% of protein synthesis and mRNA concentration (8, 44). Pancreatic amylase genes have been shown to be hormonally regulated in vivo by insulin and by glucocorticoids. Production of pancreatic amylase is reduced in human diabetic patients (11), and amylase mRNA is greatly reduced in diabetic rats and mice (14,29). Administration of insulin restores amylase expression in these diabetic animals. Induction of pancreatic amylase by glucocorticoids has been demonstrated in neonatal mice (48) and in cultured cells (13,31).Recent studies have identified gene regions which appear to be required for pancreas-specific gene expression. identified a conserved sequence element upstream of five genes which are expressed specifically in the exocrine pancreas. Deletion of this element resulted in loss of pancreatic cell specificity in transfection assays (9). This sequence is therefore a likely candidate for mediation of pancreasspecific expression in vivo.