The valves and septa of the mature heart are derived from the cardiac cushions, which develop from discrete swellings in two regions of developing heart tube: the atrioventricular (AV) canal and the ventricular outflow tract (OFT). In higher vertebrates, three distinct lineages contribute to the heart valves and septa, the endocardium, the myocardium, and the cardiac neural crest that will populate the cardiac jelly of the OFT. Very little is known about cardiac cushions development in amphibians. Here, we describe the expression of eight genes during key stages of cardiac cushion development in Xenopus. Among these genes, the Wnt antagonist Frzb1 and the transcription factors Xl-Fli, Sox8, Sox9, and Sox10 are differentially expressed in the mesenchyme of the OFT and AV cushions. These genes can be used in combination with lineage-tracing experiments to determine the embryonic origin of the cardiac cushions mesenchyme in Xenopus. Developmental Dynamics 238:3257-3265,