GeneticsA lymphocyte antigen encoded by a locus closely linked to H-3 on the second chromosome of the mouse (monoclonal antibodies/B2-microglobulin linkage) DAVID L. GASSER, JANET ZIEBUR, AND Kozo MATSUMOTO Department of Human Genetics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Communicated by Werner Henle, July 22, 1983 ABSTRACT A monoclonal antibody has been developed that recognizes a mouse lymphocyte antigen, Ly-23, that is controlled by an H-3 histocompatibility complex-linked gene on the second chromosome. Competitive binding experiments demonstrate that this antigen is distinct from the polymorphic 2-microglobulin antigen, which also is encoded by a gene closely linked to H-3. The strain distribution pattern differs from that of the P2-microglobulin polymorphism, and recombination apparently has separated the genes for these two antigens during the derivation of one recombinant inbred line. However, the RIE/TL8Xline of cells, which lacks (-microglobulin, is negative forthe Ly-23 antigen, although the control RI. 1 line is positive. The H-2 locus affects the expression of both the Ly-23 and &-microglobulin antigens.