Mammalian mtDNA has been found here to harbor RNA-DNA hybrids at a variety of locations throughout the genome. The R-loop, previously characterized in vitro at the leading strand replication origin (O H ), is isolated as a native RNA-DNA hybrid copurifying with mtDNA. Surprisingly, other mitochondrial transcripts also form stable partial R-loops. These are abundant and affect mtDNA conformation. Current models regarding the mechanism of mammalian mtDNA replication have been expanded by recent data and discordant hypotheses. The presence of stable, nonreplicative, and partially hybridized RNA on the mtDNA template is significant for the reevaluation of replication models based on two-dimensional agarose gel analyses. In addition, the close association of a subpopulation of mtRNA with the DNA template has further implications regarding the structure, maintenance, and expression of the mitochondrial genome. These results demonstrate that variously processed and targeted mtRNAs within mammalian mitochondria likely have multiple functions in addition to their conventional roles.The normal fate of an RNA transcript is to exit the transcription complex and proceed to its functional site in the cell. An exception is the retention of the RNA paired to its DNA template complement as an RNA-DNA hybrid. These RNA-DNA hybrids, or R-loops, are typically found at origins of DNA replication. An early example of this phenomenon is the plasmid ColE1 replication origin in Escherichia coli, where R-loops are formed during transcription and then processed into shorter primers that sponsor DNA replication (1). A similar RNA-DNA hybrid is also utilized at the mammalian mtDNA replication origin, O H .2 Here, transcription from the light-strand promoter creates an RNA-DNA hybrid, which is a substrate for the endoribonuclease complex RNase MRP. The RNA processing sites for this nuclease coincide with RNA to DNA transitions, implicating a role in generating replication primers from the O H R-loop (2, 3). The R-loops at mtDNA origins from yeast, mouse, and human have been reconstituted and characterized in vitro (2, 4, 5).Replication of mammalian mtDNA proceeds by a displacement mode of replication utilizing origins that are strand-specific and asymmetrically positioned (Fig. 1). After initiation at O H , unidirectional synthesis proceeds along the template while displacing the opposite strand up to a distance of about twothirds around the 16-kb circular genome. Here, the nascent strand reaches the opposite strand-specific origin, O L , where synthesis of the second strand initiates. Elongation of the second strand then continues along the previously displaced single-stranded template in the opposite direction. Both strands are extended in an asymmetric manner until two daughter molecules are formed (6, 7).Recently, we and others have proposed alternative modes of mtDNA replication with initiation sites in addition to the sitespecific origins described initially (8 -11). Specifically, we have proposed that light-strand replication initiati...