Today, a directional sensor network is a popular environment for solving the target coverage problem. Monitoring all targets in a DSN is a crucial challenge to scholars working in this field of study. Adjusting the angle and range of the sensors can be an efficient technique for improving the network performance. In this way, the network has the most extended lifespan and, at the same time, spends the least time to find the best cover set. In this method, each sensor dynamically adjusts its own sensing angle in order to find the targets by choosing the best range. The present study proposed a continuous learning automata‐based method to choose the optimum sensing angle for the sensors in a DSN. Then, to evaluate the proposed algorithm performance, its results were compared to those of a conventional automata‐based method whose algorithm worked based on continuous automata. The comparative analysis confirmed the superiority of the proposed method over the conventional automata‐based method regarding the extension of the network lifespan.