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REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE OMB No. 0704-0188Pubic r 'oOrlno burden tot In,% cc(. tcCt information is ettmat d to aretaCe I hourer reipor.e Includintg the time for reviewing instructions. searching existing data ources. gatherian and mantaining te caa neecei, and ccrnoletinq and reviewing the' "cliecCn Of intOma :Ol Sena COMMtet lie re*1r 6n thli burden estfrte f any other aset Of this Approved for public release; distribution unlimited
ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)This grant provides partial core support for the Institute of Laboratory Animal Rqsources (ILAR), which is a component of the Commission on Life Sciences (CLS), one of the principal operating units of the National Academy of Sciences (Academy). The Academy operates as a private, non-profit institution charged with providing advice to agencies of the federal government on matters of science and technology. ILAR provides information on the selection, care, and use of biologicals and animals used in research, testing, and education. ILAR's best known report is the Guide for the Care and Use of Labora..orv Animals (Guide), of which the 6th revision was initiated during this grant year. Oversight for the work of ILAR is provided by ILAR Council, a standing committee of 13 scientists, veterinarians, and ethicists, which meets three times each year to review all aspects of ILAR's program and develop new initiatives. ILAR has two types of programs:core and special projects. This grant supports the core program, consisting of the meetings and activities of Council and those of staff in the publishing of ILAR News, in the activities of the Animal Models and Genetic Stocks Information Program, and International Activities.
1S. NUMBER OF PAGESlaboratory animal care and use, animal research, international 12 activities, collection and importation of biologic materials, 16 PRICE CODE biologic databases, ILAR News, animal models and genetic stocks. Where copyrighted material is quoted, permission has been obtained to use such material.Where material from documents designated for limited distribution is quoted, permission has been obtained to use the material.Citations of coImercial organizations and trade names in this report do not constitute an official Department of Army endorsement or approval of the products or services of these organizations.In conducting research using animals, the investigator(s) adhered to the "Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory For the protection of human subjects, the investigator(s) adhered to policies of applicable Federal Law 45 CFR 46.In conducting research utilizing recombinant DNA technology, the investigator(s) adhered to current guidelines promulgated by the National Institutes of Health.In the conduct of research utilizing recombinant DNA, the investigator(s) adhered to the NIB Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules.In the conduct of research involving hazardous organisms, the investigator(s) adhered to the CDC-NIH Guide for Biosafety in Microbi...