of whom half of them are diagnosed with T2D and the remaining age and sex matched non-diabetic controls identified from general practice records in Tayside, Scotland 1 . Comprehensive electronic medical records history dating back to 1990 including anthropometric, clinical, prescription and biochemistry is available for each participant through a unique anonymised community health index number provided by the Health Informatics Centre (HIC) in partnership with the University of Dundee and the National Health Service (NHS). Previous analysis from the GoDARTS has delivered crucial PGx findings in diabetes and related traits [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] . The GODARTS study was approved by the Tayside Committee for Medical Research Ethics and written, informed consent was obtained from each participant. In this study, participants diagnosed with type 2 diabetes with sulfonylurea prescription as monotherapy or add on to metformin were included. Subjects with a history of insulin use, diagnosed before 35 years of age and baseline HbA1c <7% or >14 % were removed.PMET1: Pharmacogenomics of Metformin (PMET) cohort 1, was established to study the metformin response of patients with T2D. The participants from the PMET1 cohort were selected from the Genetic Epidemiology Research on Adult Health and Aging (GERA) cohort, a subsample of the Kaiser Permanente Research Program on Genes, Environment, and Health (RPEGH). The criteria for selecting the participants from GERA cohort have been described previously [11][12][13] . A detailed description of the cohort and study design can also be found in dbGAP (dbGaP Study Accession: phs000674.v1.p1). Genotyping of the European ancestry was performed using the methods described previously [14][15][16] . The cohort was imputed using IMPUTE2 and 1000 Genome Phase I. This cohort was used as replication cohort for two metformin pharmacogenomics studies 10,17 . In this genomewide meta-analysis of sulfonylurea response, prescriptions of sulfonylurea added to initial metformin therapy, along with HbA1c levels, dose and adherence were available for genetic association studies. PMET2: Pharmacogenomics of Metformin (PMET) cohort 2, was established to study the metformin response of patients with T2D. The participants from the PMET2 cohort were selected from the Kaiser Permanente Research Program on Genes, Environment, and Health (RPEGH), using the criteria previously established for PMET1. It was established using the research funding from the US National Institute of Health (NIH) grant (R01-GM117163). In this genomewide meta-analysis of sulfonylurea response, prescriptions of sulfonylurea added to initial metformin therapy, along with HbA1c levels, dose and adherence were available for genetic association studies. Genotypes for PMET2 were imputed to HRC.r1-1 EUR reference genome (GRCh37 build) using the Michigan Imputation Server.
DCS:The DCS is a population based observational study from the West-Friesland region in the Netherlands established with the aim to improve diabetes care through empow...