Twelve varieties of cocksfoot, Dactylis glomerata L., were analysed for three mineral elements (Na, K, Ca) and their dry matter (DM) yields were measured in pot and field trials. Among these characteristics there were strong varietal differences in Na concentration, whereas in other cases the varietal differences were less significant. The concentrations of individual mineral elements were, in most cases, independent of yield and of one another.Parent plants and their clonal derivatives were highly correlated in Na and Ca concentration as well as in DM yield. Tiller size or position on the parental plant had no significant effects on the mineral concentrations or DM yields of clones derived from separated tillers.Within varieties continuous variation was observed for Na concentration and the range of variation increased with increasing mean Na concentration. When plants were grown under different experimental conditions there was a high repeatability in Na concentration within varieties over cuts and years. This result was taken as an indication of a strong genetic basis for Na concentration. The results obtained in this study show that it is possible to develop grass varieties of defined potential Na concentration.