hlterdisciplinary synthesb and validity analysis (ISVA), a structured learning approach which integrates learning and communication theories, meta-analytic evaluation methods, and literature management-related technologies was applied in the context of the 1993-1997 bovine mastitis research literature. This study investigated whether ISVA could: 1) facilitate the analysis and synthesis of interdisciplinary knowledge claims, and 2)generate projects or research questions. The bovine mastitis-related literature was conceptualized as composed of microbiological, immunological, and epidemiological dimensions. Keywords involving these dimensions were searched in the Medline and Agricola databases. A final list of 148 articles were retrieved, analyzed, synthesized into fifteen information sub-sets, and evaluated for construct, internal, external and statistical validity through an interdisciplinary iterative dialogical process. Validity threats were re-phrased as new research or educational projects.Research on interdisciplinarity has been conducted from many paradigms. To mention a few, studies from sociology, management, organizational development, education, communication, political science and medicine, have investigated multiple aspects of interdisciplinarity. 1 However, to the best of our knowledge, no published report has integrated technology, research methodology and broad disciplinary perspectives.Addressing that need, we integrated: 1)evaluation theory; 2)education theory; 3) communication theory, 4)bibliographic management technologies, and 5)contextrelated disciplines (defined from the conceptualization of the problem being assessed).This system (interdisciplinary synthesis and validity analysis, or ISVA) was tested in the context of the bovine mastitis-related literature. Bovine intramammary infection or mastitis (IMI/M) is a complex disease which results in major economic losses for dairy agriculture. 9-12 Despite major financial efforts to prevent mastitis, the prevalence of this disease has not diminished in the last 10 years.13 Although meta-analysis has been practised extensively in social sciences and human medicine, only three rectaanalyses have been conducted in veterinary medicine. 14-16 Thus, a novel approach to address IMI/M knowledge needs appears justified.This study assessed whether ISVA could generate: a) comprehensive, updated and integrated information synthesis; and b) new research questions.
Materials and methods
[SVA phasesThis question generation method was composed of three phases. The first two phases involved literature synthesis and the last phase involved validity analysis.In the first or diverging phase, the research objective was conceptualized with the support of a multi-disciplinary team (which included experts in veterinary microbiology, immunology, molecular biology, epidemiology, and mastitis research). This team identified keywords to be searched and bibliographic databases, and conducted literature searches with the support of bibliographic reference management software. ...